Can you even believe it's the second to last P-day? What is life?
Since I'm getting so close to the end, obviously I've been spending time reflecting and thinking back over the last 18 months and everything that happened. Man, it's been fun.
The most exciting thing of the week is that our friend Lashonda got baptized!!!
Wwooooooooowwww, what a journey it's been hahaha. A lot of work went into this one from all ends!--Lashonda's end, our end, and most importantly, God's end. But she did it! :) The day was absolutely perfect--tons of people from the ward came to support, Sister Wustrow came back to see her and it really was just all around an awesome, special day.
The day before her baptism, we went to see her for some last minute prep and to get her fitted for a suit. She saw the jumpsuits and immediately said: "yeah, no that reminds me of prison." So when we whipped out the dress, she was all *black southern ATL accent* "AWWW YEAHHHH. I FEEL LIKE A PASTOR!" So that was hilarious.
She's so cool hahahaha.
As the font was filling up, me and Lashonda got to have a really cute moment together--we both looked at the font, side hugged and with tears rolling down her cheeks, she said "Thank you Jesus." And then I started to cry because I realized just how much I'm going to miss the South and their cute southern phrases hahaha. Lashonda has become a very special person to me. I don't think I've ever met someone with a bigger heart or a greater desire to do what God wants her to do. She had to work so hard and give up SOOOOO many things throughout her life to prepare her for this step, included something that was a huge part of who she is. If anything, she's taught me yet again the lesson that true love for God is sacrificing what we want for what God wants. Ah I LOVE HER.
On Wednesday, we went to ATL for my last big zone meeting of all time as a missionary. Honestly, it was one of the best I've ever been to, and had me more than excited to come home and keep growing. AH, LIFE IS SO GOOD.
Okay, guys. I think that's all I have of importance for this week. The rest of my sappy, nostalgic feelings are going to be barfed into my very. last. email. as a missionary EVER next week. are you so excited? Because I'm definitely not hahaha.
emotions are lame.
Sister Lawson
Sister Lawson
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