Tuesday, December 8, 2015


EVERYONE. I GET TO SHAKE ELDER HOLLAND'S HAND THIS SATURDAY. I AM SHAKING AN APOSTLE OF THE LORD'S HAND. Ask me if I'm dying because I am. He's coming for a mission wide conference this Saturday and it's going to be INCREDIBLE. More details to come next week...

Okay the other best news is that we have met some AWESOME, super prepared people this week and I'm so pumped about it.
1. Rainy(mom), Sehaj (we have no idea how to say this name still)(son) and Jay(other son): This is an Indian family who were former investigators, but we have no idea why the previous missionaries stopped meeting with them. Basically they are the coolest and SO OPEN to what we teach, it's insane. We invited them all to read the Book of Mormon daily and they've been doing it! And they love it! We're meeting with them later this week so to be continued...
2. John: he is THE BEST. We originally met him while he was out having a garage sale to earn money while he's been out of work with a really bad back injury a while back. He's a 10-year recovered meth addict and just wants to strengthen his relationship with Jesus Christ. Sometimes he meets with the J-Dubs (he thinks they're weird), but he's too nice to turn them away. So we go over and read the Book of Mormon with him and he's very appreciative and loves what missionaries do!
3. Carrie: yep, she's back! To help you remember her... she's the one with MS and had breast cancer. We invited her to read the Book of Mormon again and pray about baptism because she doesn't understand why God would want her to be baptized again. #classicGeorgian
4. Ida: we met her when i first got here and it's been SO HARD to find a time to meet with her because she's crazy busy. We finally did and had a lesson with her about the restoration. The spirit was so strong as Sister Russell and I testified to her about how much the Book of Mormon has blessed our lives and why she would need another book on top of the Bible... Hopefully she'll read... we'll see!

We saw a huge miracle with Shenelle this week! Up until this point, her mom (non member, but super christian) has been very supportive of her taking the lessons from us, but hasn't wanted us to put a date on baptism because she wants Shenelle to have "conviction" before getting baptized... Anyway... we were reading the Book of Mormon with her this week and Shauna said "You know, ever since Shenelle has been meeting with you, i've noticed a really huge change in her. She cares a lot more about church and about God than she ever has before. Her prayers are a lot more sincere, and when she answers your questions, they are really deep answers with thought put into them." WHAT/?!? Huge miracle because Shauna is starting to recognize the change happening in Shenelle and her heart is being softened! I can't tell you how long we've been praying about this. We are hoping to put her on date later this week...

Frank has not called us back in about 2 weeks sooo... yep, there's that.

Saturday was the Ward Christmas party! Not much to say there... major stress though because almost nothing was ready to go the morning of... it was a mad dash to get it all done and only started an hour later than it was originally planned for! :) haha.. 
Also the best thing: We found an ALPACA SHACK. with REAL LIFE ALPACAS. We decided that sister russell looks like an alpaca.  And they sell socks made of alpaca fur so i'll probs be buying 298415 pairs of those. 

anyway... sorry this was all over the place. For pictures from the week, check out my comp's blog because i'm the worst and hardly ever take pictures. I promise i'll be better!

Sister Lawson

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